Reply to post: Re: "B****" --

Twitter breaks bad news to 677,775 twits: You were duped by Russia

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "B****" --

She's never been prosecuted - and that's despite committing a number of crimes. But she has enough influence to avoid it.

HRC is provably guilty right now for three crimes - Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, and Security violations. That she gets a free pass because too many people have an interest in ensuring that she doesn't get to pay for her crimes, but we can live in hop[e that she will eventually. Perjury - lying on oath to a Federal Judge on the release of emails; Obstruction - deletion of emails AFTER a subpoena was issued, and Security violations because no intent is required under the law, and classified information was widely propagated outside the appropriate government systems. Plus there's past "indiscretions" like Whitewater - conspiracy to defraud.

Oh we can find obvious crimes easily enough, finding people sufficiently uncorrupt to prosecute her is somewhat harder.

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