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Unlocked: The hidden love note on the grave of America's first crypto power-couple


The Friedmans were students of Ms Gallup, also a high ranking cryptographer for US Intelligence during WW1, who had written a 400 page discourse on her discovery of concealed codes in the works of Shakespeare and the St James Bible which she attributed to Francis Bacon the Tudor statesman and philosopher. The codes told the secret story of Bacon's life as the first son of Queen Elizabeth 1st of England and heir to the throne as well as the writer of all the Shakespeare works and Sonnets.

This revelation was highly disruptive to the majority of academic opinion at the time and it is my belief that the Friedmans were asked and well paid to dispel Ms Gallup's findings and so to keep the status quo.

Since that time the "who wrote Shakespeare" debate has continued furiously with Bacon as a main contender. It is my contention that if Bacon can be seen in the light of his true birth that the debate becomes much clearer as to his claim as Shakespeare. The whole story is told in my "faction" novel as a thrilling tale of conspiracy as The Royal Secret last published in 2016 and now on Amazon.

John Bentley (Author).

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