Reply to post: Re: Solaris

Oracle says SPARCv9 has Spectre CPU bug, patches coming soon


Re: Solaris

It occurred to me yesterday that the benefits of a bygone era in which the cost of the minimum equipment for business was far higher than today, actually existed in the effect of serious attention being paid to the quality and performance and service we received for our strenuously squirreled sovereigns. Of course I will inevitably find the occasional delight in the availability of some"incredibly good value" tech twiddler, but I am entirely unsure about the much wider effect. I used to be able to assume that if a interviewee had emailed me from his own told via a MTA on their own carrier independent subnet, we were quite likely to have a productive meeting. El Reg readership, in the McGee days almost guaranteed I'll enjoy the encounter.

Today.. Ahm.. less so. I have been driven to despair and randomly quizzing the candidate for the acronym definition of television features, on my phone screening.

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