Reply to post: Re: *checks YouTube channel stats*

YouTube turns off cash tap for automatic video nasties


Re: *checks YouTube channel stats*

> Number of subscribers: 972.

> Awww.

You think that's bad? Try a channel with only 44 subscribers and less than 300 views a month. Up until this point I have nothing interesting to offer tho.

I decided that my new year resolution for 2018 was to finally get serious with my Youtube channel because the shitty Malaysian economy overall had left me almost a pauper (price of goods going up, but my pay had not changed over the last three years- company's official stand was "business was bad"), but just as I start to put some elbow grease and started producing videos, Youtube waltzes up and move the goalpost farther away. All so those successful channels like Markiplier and Linus Tech Tips can continue raking more money at the expense of making it harder for newbies like me to break into the market...

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