Reply to post: I don't even use plastic - I pay cash

Who's using 2FA? Sweet FA. Less than 10% of Gmail users enable two-factor authentication


I don't even use plastic - I pay cash

Last I looked (been awhile) they wanted my mobe number, you bet - and I don't have one - security by non existence. SMS? I've heard of it, and will not have one until after I get a facebook account, sometime after I die.

They don't seem to understand that not all of us are phone addicts. When I'm out and about - that's MY time, not to be interrupted by any moron who has my number and who is bored and wanting free entertainment from me. I happen to have a car with a cel phone and have no minutes and don't even know the number. No need. If I need 911 - that'll work. Else, bugger off.

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