Reply to post: Where are the women in tech jobs?

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Where are the women in tech jobs?

Throughout my entire 40 year career in IT one thing has always been the same: there's very few women in *technical* jobs. I've worked with a few but a fraction of the number of men. When I used to teach, the more technical the course the fewer - if any - women would be present. Same with IT technical conferences, very few women.

There's lots of women in project management and support. Same with testing and training. But so few in really technical roles. Same in other technical roles such as airline pilots.

Why is this? I've no idea why there's so few female geeks. Seems to be some deep-rooted sociological reason.

However it does strike me that discriminating in *any* way when recruiting is just plain dumb -- "positive discrimination" just means you've a much smaller candidate list.

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