Reply to post: Re: know better

Parliamentary 'puters made 30k tries to procure pr0nz last year


Re: know better

Or maybe the filters are now up to date and not blocking as many sites because some are actually not pr0nz at all?

The figures are completely meaningless and totally subjective, and only reflect the sensitivities and the accuracy of the small number of individuals employed to come up with a black-list to push out to customers devices or services. Many URLs won't have even been visited by the vendor of the filtering product or service to confirm the real nature the content - they couldn't possibly visit every site. They may also be blocking based on URL string alone. There are plenty of web-pundits that publish to the blog-o-sphere and think it highly amusing to put their content behind a risqué URL, coz they think it's clever - only for it to be blocked by most filters by default and then wonder why they don't get any hits.

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