Reply to post: Re: "Adding sandboxing to speculative execution"

Woo-yay, Meltdown CPU fixes are here. Now, Spectre flaws will haunt tech industry for years

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "Adding sandboxing to speculative execution"

*Properly implemented* speculative execution etc already has the equivalent of sandboxing, if "sandboxing" means that the effects (and *side effects*) of stuff that shouldn't be executed aren't allowed to be visible.

See e.g. register renaming and such.

Speculative execution etc not done right (which is what appears to have happened with Intel here) allows the effects (including side effects, such as a cache fill) of stuff that shouldn't be executed to remain visible, and under those circumstances, clever outsiders can make Bad Things (tm) happen in ways that clever insiders may have foreseen but chosen to ignore.

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