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Woo-yay, Meltdown CPU fixes are here. Now, Spectre flaws will haunt tech industry for years

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

>You can't fully protect against all security issues as you don't know all the possible ways your product could be insecure.

Original AC here, no it can't but what we can do is develop brand new CPU and subsystem architecture that isn't saddled with baggage of backward compatibility and all the inherent flaws it keeps. We can't just keep bolting on to 8080 or ARM RISC as it's a house of cards, these things were not designed for modern internonnectedness.

The same issues are facing many industries, we can't keep on producing diesel cars by just throwing DPF filters etc at them as there are fundamental problems that cannot be resolved without a complete rethink.

It hasn't happened yet because there is too much vested interest in the incumbent tech but it will need to happen one day.

Who knows what's around the corner, that's what makes science exciting.

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