Reply to post: Re: A GP practice that only want healthy patients

Online GP surgery biz Babylon gives up fight against Brit health watchdog, owes £11k

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: A GP practice that only want healthy patients

A practice can't close its lists selectively. Either they accept new patients - the default position or they have been (in exceptional circumstances) allowed to closed their lists by their relevant health overseer. There is no such thing as a partial closure.

GP practices are not allowed to be limited companies (or LLPs) due to restrictions on the GP contract unless a particular health authority allows this at contract renewal/ Therefore nearly all GP practices are either health authority owned or owned by a collection of GP partners. These partners have to take all the risks including large mortgages and capital expenditure, salaries and redundancy costs for a contract that says you will take on unlimited numbers of new patients for a lot less than £100 per patient per year for unlimited access to routine and emergency medical advice with a GP and in some parts unlimited medicine for free as well.

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