My gut tells me Tintri will be done in six to nine months. Probably by cutting costs and reducing staff to nothing more than a skeleton of its current size. Just enough to keep the lights on while it pursues a pennies-on-the-dollar distress sale to a company that's only interested in some of the IP to incorporate into their own products. Not much of a prediction I guess since this has been played out in the storage field before.
I'm so glad I'm not in the storage field anymore (thank God) because after working for a few storage startups, I firmly believe there is zero financial upside for a worker bee peon like myself at a storage startup. If you're an investor, founder, or executive, there's always some money to be made because those people always make out and look after their own. But if you're a cube dwelling peon like me, I think it's time to move on from storage because there are no more pots of gold at the end of the storage rainbow. I abandoned the storage field after being in it for about 20 years, and I'll never look back.