Reply to post: socialism/communism. Never been implemented 'properly' yet

So you're 'agile', huh? I do not think it means what you think it means


socialism/communism. Never been implemented 'properly' yet

I’d absolutely with you agree about the Socialism/Communism, and taking these sorts of people “for the helicopter ride.” However, the weakness in your argument is that this quip could far more easily and more accurately be applied to Waterfall! The idea that you always get it exactly right first time is rocking-horse manure…

I’ve heard it said that Waterfall is actually an iterative, adaptive approach – it’s just that the iteration lengths are muuuuuuch longer and slower. (Typically 6 months to 2+ years.)

So you guys send out v1.0 on (or somewhat after the deadline), it’s full of bugs, and doesn’t work how the customer wanted or expected; then – rapidly as you can (another year later) – you send out v1.1… And shortly after that, v1.2, v1.3 etc. etc. etc. to fix (some of) the bugs in the previous versions…

So you see, proper Agile is just a better way of doing it. Less time. Less waste. Fewer pages of unread documentation… Bit like Capitalism? (Just pay for what you need, rather than being taxed to extinction, paying for ‘non-jobs’.)

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