Reply to post: Re: No need for Disney to buy Fox News

Murdoch's Fox empire is set to become a literal Mickey Mouse outfit

J. Cook Silver badge

Re: No need for Disney to buy Fox News

At least there's be something approaching competition for a little bit. In my area, I can either have mostly reliable broadband with a 1 TB month cap and a promised guarenteed speed rate for under one hundred american notes, or something approaching the same speeds without any promises that I'll actually get it (aDSL), no reliability guarentee (oh a bird sat on the line and you lost your internet? sucks to be you!), the same data cap, for about the same price. I've not even looked at wireless internet for the house, except that while it's not great (worse than a hard wired connection), it's at least not Canada's wireless arrangement. (Pay by the BYTE, and crap service at that.)

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