Reply to post: DevOps is way you organize work

It's a decade since DevOps became a 'thing' – and people still don't know what it means

Hans 1

DevOps is way you organize work

Unless you have a system already in place that is not devops and that allows you to release frequently and early, test always, and have automated to hell and back, well done, you, sir (or madam) have earned the right to bash DevOps.

However, if you have not, you are like all those car manufacturers with mechanics walking miles to get nuts, bolts, screws and parts here and there in the factory laughing at Ford's assembly line.

No, you do not need paid for tools for this, you can do it yourself with FOSS.... yes, some DevOps evangelists come with their philosophy, voodoo BS and rules etc ... the thing is, the world is moving fast, your competitors are building those DEV assembly lines, streamlining development, test, and release cycles ... DevOps is a way to achieve that, you do not have to embrace the whole "philosophy" to make it work for you ... one of the central points of DevOps is: "Change is beautiful, if it makes a difference!"

Now, I mentioned dev, test, and release cycles, but you can adapt it to other areas of business .... what most C-types do not realize is that IT is not a cost center, imagine if you could streamline the period close or other financial processes ... most of the time, that will save you a lot of cash ... there are paid for solutions out there that do just that ... or imagine, SAP system copy, a bloody nightmare, get some setting wrong and you can start again ... taking the DevOps methodology, you constantly improve your processes, again, no one tells you you have to go 100% agile and have a SCRUM master, not necessarily needed, you can achieve all these goals without. It does help to start off like that, though, imho ... YMMV

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