Reply to post: Marginal generation

No, BMW, petrol-engined cars don't 'give back to the environment'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Marginal generation

Every car plugged in adds demand. That demand wasn’t there before and is therefore not being served by renewables, which by definition should have been running already, if possible. This means the only leccy going in your plug in is either gas or coal derived, the remaining marginal generator and only thing left to fuel your car.

Add in transmission and distribution losses, the latter of which are going to skyrocket due to distribution networks not being sized to service large volumes of leccy cars, and you have a problem needing a lot of investment to solve.

Energy policy is an absolute farce and the idea that the market will deliver is tosh. The market is geared for old school big, predictable generators and dull demand profiles. Severe change needed at all levels to avoid blackouts. Maybe we should be getting used to the idea of sacrificing availability...

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