Reply to post: Re: Opt out

Google to crack down on apps that snoop

Adam 1

Re: Opt out

We possibly have a disagreement about what correct behaviour is. If the app developer of a map application says it wants GPS, that is so the find me function works. If I configure **my** device to return nonsensical data, then I will expect the find me function to do weird things. If I give it real data, it will work as per the app developer's intention. If I reject the permission, it will probably crash. Not necessarily because they believe their application is pointless without it, but because most languages have really clunky handling of monads and it never occurred to the developer to check what happens if an exception is thrown or check the error code that got returned. In other cases, the app developer just can't be arsed to structure their code in a way that would minimise the required permissions. In other cases, the permission model itself is not fine grained enough (particularly around file and media access). The developer may want a very small subset of the permissions mentioned on the token, but you need to grant or reject the lot.

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