Reply to post: Protecting their own

Damian Green: Not only my workstation – mystery pr0n all over Parliamentary PCs

Stuart 22

Protecting their own

How heartwarming to see Damien's friends rushing to their favourite newspaper proprietors over the weekend to defend him and rubbishing the rozzers.

I haven't a clue whether Damien is guilty or not. But how can THEY tell it wasn't him but an office worker or a Putin inspired hacker? They don't have the objectivity and distance as you or I. I doubt they have more evidence.

And while Quick's initial statements appear to be over the top (illegal v legal porn) the statements made by those closer to the evidence is rather more forensic - not proof as was made clear but certainly a case to answer.

It would seem the response is not Damien answering but his friends trying to deflect the questions raised. And I have a hunch they will be successful.

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