Reply to post: Re: The consumer would like some of Ofcom's attention too

Dark fibre arts: Ofcom is determined to open up BT's network

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: The consumer would like some of Ofcom's attention too

"Enough(ish) duct was built to run copper from exchange to homes."

There is NO reason whatsoever why the same cabinets which currently do FTTC can't also be voice concentrators and all that copper replaced with a couple of fibres back to the exchange and then broken out into BT/LLU providers there in exactly the same way that is done with FTTC

It's an option on the equipment BT's using - they choose not to do so. The actual cost of doing it the current way is effectively higher than replacing cabinet to exchange trunks, as the copper extracted is saleable and the longer the copper line, the more faults there are (most trunks are decades old and in some state of rot). The primary reason for continuing with the status quo is that it allows BT to maintain their monopolies.

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