Reply to post: Re: Milton "powered by batteries and an onboard generator using jet fuel"

Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Siemens tease electric flight engine project

Lars Silver badge
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Re: Milton "powered by batteries and an onboard generator using jet fuel"

"A more sceptical mind might note the presence of Airbus and jump to the conclusion this is more EU protectionism/funding".

Sorry I don't quite get you message, give me your less sceptical take then. The simple fact is that the airline industry is international. The Boeing Dreamliner is produced in apart from the USA in Italy, Japan, Mexico, the UK and probably in a few other countries too. You find that on YouTube. Could it be that you have pulled your head up into the Royal British arse looking for an all British airline industry.

Good luck, it doesn't work like that. RR knows it and so does Airbus and Siemens.

Be happy as long as RR understands it too, (they will).

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