Reply to post: Re: "Good grief", said Charlie Brown.

Seek 'passion' and tech skills will follow, say recruiting security chiefs


Re: "Good grief", said Charlie Brown.

I find pretty much the opposite. Headhunters are sending me marginally qualified (if that even) candidates because they want the bonus money. Because I started in security long before it was common I have always dealt with lack of qualifications (hell, I was not qualified on paper for a couple jobs I was successful at).

What I have done is look for 'markers of success'. On resumes & during interviews I look for explicit examples of them doing more or learning more than what was required along with the realization that they don't know nearly enough. I am about 80% successful in getting people who can handle the work. Average around here with managers who care about GPA and buzzword bingo card CVs is closer to 50%

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