Reply to post: Re: Google is the retail arm of the NSA @Yet Another Anonymous coward

Wait, did Oracle tip off world to Google's creepy always-on location tracking in Android?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Google is the retail arm of the NSA @Yet Another Anonymous coward

There is no conflict of interest: What's good for Google is good for America ... Yet Another Anonymous coward

The problem that plagues America though, is that Google is Lacking Performance/Super Application of Learned Knowledge.

That is one black hole of a systemic vulnerability for colossal exploitation resulting in further expansion and capitalisation of ...... well, such as would be classed and traded as New and/or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Product.

Uncle Sam could then turn himself inside out comparing/confessing/confusing/professing it to be an Almighty FSB Program.

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