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Boss made dirt list of minions' mistakes, kept his own rampage off it

Mark York 3 Silver badge

About 6 months ago I posted this here, so I'll C&P it.....

At one facility I worked at & I don't have the full story of why the offshore support insisted on the former plant Sysadmin hitting the plants BRB, pictures were sent to the remote guy via email, he confirmed that was the button he wanted to be pushed & goodness gracious me it was going to be pushed. He was advised again of what it was that would be pushed & the consequences, the plant manager dutifully informed of what was required, what the offshore wanted & what would be the fallout.

& so it came to pass that the BRB was pushed on the word of the Technically Competent Support representative.

(Paraphrasing here........)

"Goodness gracious me, Why your plant disappearing from network?"

"Because the BRB you insisted that was the button you wanted pushing, despite my telling you that it was never to be pushed under pain of death has just shut down the entire plant."

I think it took until about 15 minutes before production was due to commence the following day to get everything back up & running.

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