Reply to post: Re: Time to face facts

FCC boss Ajit Pai emits his net neutrality extermination plan

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Time to face facts

The freer the market, the freer the people.

Free to die (sorry - you can't afford the $50000 to pay for the treatment of the condition caused by all the pollution our industries emit so enjoy what's left of your short pain-filled life), free to be shot by any passing policeman having a bad day, free to not have your voice heard since you don't have the requisite 100 million dollars, free to starve because the only jobs you can find pays lower than starvation wages (but don't worry, the Board are all enjoying their Caribbean retreats).

That sort of freedom you mean?

Oh - and don't expect any freedom of you are black, muslim or female. Those people just ain't American don'tchaknow?

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