Reply to post: We need something better than utilitarianism

Another toothless wonder? Why the's data ethics centre needs clout

D Moss Esq

We need something better than utilitarianism

19 May 2016, the Cabinet Office published 'Data Science Ethical Framework' [1], a document which betrays not the slightest understanding of ethics, is ethics-free and provides no framework whatever, ethical or otherwise. This farrago was issued over Matt Hancock's signature and makes no contribution to the debate about disclosing personal information.

The CIA, among others, have looked into ethics and determined that there are lots of theories with just one common factor – do as you would be done by. Seems like a good starting point. Not mentioned by the Cabinet Office, who must have already forgotten

The only ethical theory mentioned in the UK in connection with public services is the ghastly utilitarianism, "that action is right which promotes the greatest happiness of the greatest number". Utilitarianism justifies the tyranny of the majority [2]: "Lenin and Hitler were pious utilitarians, as were Stalin and Mao, as are most members of the Mafia". Avoid.




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