Reply to post: Re: Smut Blocker

DNS resolver will check requests against IBM threat database

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Smut Blocker

"Which is why you run your own DNS service, assuming you're also willing to pay for a fixed IP address."

A DNS resolver doesn't require a fixed public IP address. An internal address behind dynamic address NAT will do.

As for nomadic use, is the way to go. The cache might consume as much as a few megabytes of RAM and slightly increase first-time resolution latency but is easily installed and practically maintenance-free.

"And also are willing to cache the root servers , etc ... which really isn't worth it unless you plan on running your own domain."

What does caching the root servers have to do with running your own domain? A (caching) resolver and an authoritative nameserver have quite distinct tasks and the latter doesn't require any cache or root servers.

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