Reply to post: Re: I'm actually fine with delaying these regulations...

Slashing regulations literally more important than saving American lives to Donald Trump


Re: I'm actually fine with delaying these regulations...

Delaying would be fine - it's preferable to get the technology onto vehicles, even if it isn't enabled, so that given a short amount of time it could be used, rather than a longer amount of time while things are analysed to the nth degree first (bear in mind that they have already done a lot of research on this)

Anyway, that's not the point. T isn't delaying it, he's backing off on it so that the spectrum that would work well for the application can be used by others.

As for other drivers on the road, drivers will already do that, with the assumption that you are going to be paying attention.

New cars (well, some of them) already keep track of what's going on around them with cameras and radar. You could get someone doing the same now, to trigger their braking systems.

What this tech is meant to do is to give your car a larger awareness of it's surroundings, so instead of reacting to the car in front of you braking, it can start reacting when the car two or three ahead of that begins to brake, resulting in both a safer and more comfortable ride (gradual braking etc)

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