Reply to post: visuals?

39 episodes of 'CSI' used to build AI's natural language model

Pete 2 Silver badge


It has always struck me as amusing that the vast majority of the data broadcast / streamed for a TV programme is video. However, that contributes almost nothing to the informational content of a programme. As this is mostly in the tiny little proportion of audio sent along with it. A situation that is even more apparent with HD and 4K: large increases in the (mostly content-free) video, very little if any change in the audio - and none at all in what is arguably the most important part of any TV drama: the script.

I would expect that at least some of the clues, picked up by the audience in trying to guess "whodunnit" would be visual. But that these would be inaccessible to the AI-thingy. So it comes as no surprise that people guess better than computers. It might also be that the human audience knows the "rules of the game" that the perp. won't be revealed before the first ad-break.

Surely a better source of training material would be to use radio programmes, or to only have the audience listening to the sound (and not viewing the screen). That would give a more equal basis for comparison.

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