Reply to post: Re: You are shitting me

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Re: You are shitting me

You're quoting George Galloway as a reliable news source?!?! What really? You're quoting George Galloway to win an argument and not expecting us to laugh at you? Do you mean This George Galloway?

Pisstaking aside, George Galloway who said, "Saddam we salute your indefatigability" - and George Galloway who you've quoted via Russia Today the propoganda organ set up by the Putin regime - because he also takes money to work on behalf of the Russian government.

He's not picky though - he also worked for the Iranian propoganda organ Press TV. The one that lost its UK license for interviewing (and showing the "confession" of) a torture victim, while still under duress, from his prison cell, without bothering to mention that minor fact. It also turned out during that investigation that they weren't a London TV station, as licenced, but run direct from Tehran - which was the reason they lost their license, rather than just getting fined.

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