Reply to post: Re: A problem for democracy

Algorithms, Henry VIII powers, dodgy 1-man-firms: Reg strokes claw over Data Protection Bill


Re: A problem for democracy

"Where would these forms be?"

If you've given your e-mail address on a petition or a neighbourhood survey normally.

"You clearly haven't grasped the difference between specific emails and spam"

And if you haven't given your e-mail address, or have but subsequently unsubscribed you won't get anything. My last mailing to over 500 people in my ward got a 43% open rate and not a single unsubscribe request. Clearly it's going to people happy to receive it.

After GDPR it's unlikely I'll be able to use those e-mail addresses any more because I don't have the specific permission to use them for mailings about local issues. How is that a good thing?

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