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Google Play Protect is 'dead last' at fingering malware on Android


I had suspected this. I have an Android emulator that I install malware laden apps on to and the silly "Play Protect" never says a word.

The truth of the matter is most of these so-called "antivirus" Android applications do nothing but scan all your files, videos, music, pictures, network, Bluetooth connections and browsing habits and in some cases your "Whatsapp" messages as well as become Device Administrators sending ALL of that data to their "affiliates".

The several I have tested are loaded with "analytic" engines and advertising SDK's which sometimes serve up fake virus warnings in the ads


2 of the "antivirus" apps I've tested aggregate and graph the users Facebook "likes" and Twitter #HASHTAGS by stealing the users access tokens.

And one well known and "respected" "antivirus" applications had a Java based SSH (JSch) hidden inside of it and when I questioned the company about it's function they lied.

I've been warning users about these so-called "antivirus" apps for some time and now that Google has silently pushed the same scam on to millions of users without asking or having the ability to remove it I now know Google is complicit.

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