Reply to post: Re: Perhaps developers should work offline

Malware hidden in vid app is so nasty, victims should wipe their Macs


Re: Perhaps developers should work offline


Are you that guy that I had an argument with last year who said that logging in applications was unnecessary and anyone who did it was stupid?

You sound like the same guy... In that you are both very wrong.

"Requirements change,features added = new product."

HAHAHAHAHAHA, Yeah, OK.. Ill try selling that to the next client that asks for an extra check box on a web form.. NEW PRODUCT!

"Bugs fixes = you released bad code and are an incompetent liability to your customers"

I'd laugh again but I'm starting to worry that you might seriously believe what you have typed...

My code has never been exploited and has never needed any updates

Your code:


20 GOTO 10

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