Reply to post: Re: Why the Assange hate on El Reg?

Julian Assange says Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks for something

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why the Assange hate on El Reg?

> "Wikileaks may have started with a noble goal, but it is far from noble now..."

Because Wikileaks went against the crime queen, who happened to be the Left's approved candidate, and one just doesn't DO that sort of thing!

I'm quite sure that if there had been large piles of damning crime evidence laying around at the RNC as well, that Wikileaks would have been all over that too. But you can't glom data that doesn't exist, so they were left with just the Democrats to expose. I'm guessing that those who run Wikileaks are probably left-leaning, so the fact that they didn't bury Hillary's crimes (as the rest of the left did) is commendable.

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