Reply to post: Re: Not sure what the UK could do about it.

Even more warship cuts floated for the Royal Navy

Nick Z

Re: Not sure what the UK could do about it.

UK, USA, and the EU countries routinely use economic sanctions and economic incentives to influence other countries.

This doesn't always work. But this is something western countries didn't even try to do with Ukraine's government, when Ukraine's government set up this conflict situation in 1991, right after the break up of the Soviet Union.

Supporting one side against another within a divided country is how western colonialism worked before. That's how western countries were able to colonize other countries with much bigger populations in the past. And to it me it looks like western countries used the same tactic in Ukraine. They took advantage of the conflict there and supported one side against the other.

The problem with such colonialism in present day and age is that now many countries have nuclear weapons. This isn't the 19th century anymore. This kind of thing can end badly for everybody involved and uninvolved.

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