Reply to post: Re: Your 'justice' system in the US is corrupt

NYC cops say they can't reveal figures on cash seized from people – the database is too shoddy

james 68

Re: Your 'justice' system in the US is corrupt

Don't forget that thanks to Tony bLair saying police can keep money from fines, It's on the same path in the UK. Policing for profit. Another great nuLiebour legacy.

A Conservative by any other name is still a Conservative. NuLabour is just the same old, tired conservative crap tied up with whalesong rebranding. They're about as far from the actual Labour party as any of the parties in our green and pleasant land are from the common electorate (read as: light years).

Funnily enough, the only people the rebranding seems to fool are the particular brand of "Conservatives" who confuse miss-spelling things in an attempt to belittle others as an intelligent and amusing endeavour, in reality it puts them on a intellectual level with a group of 3 year olds throwing a name calling hissy fit.

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