Reply to post: Re: v7 needed

Europol cops lean on phone networks, ISPs to dump CGNAT walls that 'hide' cyber-crooks

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: v7 needed

"If what you say is true then there must be some other reason that nobody bothers with it."

There is another reason. In Western Europe and North America there was, until recently, no problem with only offering IPv4, so ISPs did that, so home users didn't have a choice, so equipment vendors had no incentive to switch on the capability in their device stacks (despite it basically being there for free), so anybody who even started to try the new tech quickly ran into the near-brick-wall that no-one else was running it apart from a few geeks.

I believe that in the Far East, the IPv4 address space was so puny that the economic arguments went the other way and, there being no technical problem with IPv6, there are parts of that region with near-universal IPv6 adoption. Of course, they tend not to contribute to English-speaking forums so we rarely ever hear from them.

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