Reply to post: Re: Sun SPARC

Software update turned my display and mouse upside-down, says user

jake Silver badge


"I cant remember anything I used the SPARC for"

A male, in the early 90s, at Uni, with access to a SPARC? I can guess ... Swearing at vi and being confused over EMACS; hanging out on IRC (and possibly your choice of MUD/MUSH/MOO); playing Nethack and/or Adventure; trying to get <insert pirated game code here> to compile; reading various USENET groups (and "accidentally" managing to configure the machine to accept*); compiling & fiddling about with NCSA Mosaic; possibly mucking about with SATAN[0] and thinking you were very, very cool ... basically, anything but using the machine to help you with your studies.

How'd I do?

[0] For values of "early 90s" that include 1995, of course.

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