Reply to post: Re: I wonder how quickly 4chan will make Cortana a Nazi?

Cortana, please finish my sentences in Skype texts for me

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: I wonder how quickly 4chan will make Cortana a Nazi?

"It seems much more likely it is complications (or lack of success) from the surgery that is killing 1 out of 10 over-65s, not the anesthesia itself.


Indeed. But remember your original proposition was that it was unacceptable that some percentage of women die in childbirth. Inevitably some such deaths are due to such extraneous factors. What mechanism do you propose to exempt women from the consequences of ingesting drugs of addiction for instance? Or insistence on home birth for that matter? What about the mother who was killed when the taxi conveying her to the hospital was involved in a collision with another vehicle? You equated acceptance of such occurrences with racism. I find that bizarre.

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