Reply to post: Re: Searching for old messages in different apps = nightmare

Open source sets sights on killing WhatsApp and Slack

andy 103

Re: Searching for old messages in different apps = nightmare

"You could, put it in an address book"


"Care to elaborate why?"

You're assuming it's always an address! Unfortunately I used address as the example but that's one of literally countless examples of things people send you in messages (on any platform) that you need to be able to find easily later on. Try scrolling through 2000 Whatsapp messages to find a recipie** your friend sent you 6 months ago, and you'll understand what I mean!

** Please don't take every example I give as literally the only thing this could apply to. There are many examples of things people send you that you need to be able to find later on, and not all of them can be stored in fields of an address book.

Not all data fits into specific fields (e.g. an address book). And why would I want to duplicate that data on my phone - it's already in a message! The problem is searching for and finding old, historical messages, in an ocean of messages, in a variety of apps/platforms. Duplicating it all over the place is not the answer.

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