Reply to post: "writing less code" blah blah "libraries, frameworks" blah blah asymptotic curve--> end of history.

'We think autonomous coding is a very real thing' – GitHub CEO imagines a future without programmers

John Smith 19 Gold badge

"writing less code" blah blah "libraries, frameworks" blah blah asymptotic curve--> end of history.

When I put it like that does it not smell like odour du taureau ?

IOW the rate at which the amount of code being written by meatsacks may be falling (but then isn't Excel macros the most used programming "language" on the planet by a very wide margin?) but the rate at which software "intelligence" (WTF that even means) is improving is slowing down as the problems to be tackled when facing large systems become exponentially harder.

Low "intelligence" --> "Pick n mix" code generator

High "intelligence" --> "Write a new system called 'Universal Credit.' Project brief is in 'projects' folder under 'UC'* Come back to me with outstanding questions and outline architectural structure. Your choice on best development languages for the different environments and benchmark data to deliver 2-3 second response times for major tasks.."

Anyone like to guess how many problems are in those 4 lines,how hard they are and how far away any real system is from dealing with them?

BTW it's interesting that decades of code studies show programmers actually writing executable stuff remains in the 12-20 LOC a day. So, yes size does matter.

*I chose Universal Credit because that's a real system being built (because according to El Reg passim it's not there yet) by real people on a serious scale for serious money 9with serious cost and schedule overruns).

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