Reply to post: Re: Why the upset?

Dear America, best not share that password with your pals. Lots of love, the US Supremes


Re: Why the upset?

You're mixing up contract and criminal law. An EULA is a contract; it can only apply to someone who intentionally agrees to be bound by it. That means that you could be sued for giving your spouse the password, but your spouse is in the clear (in that regard) because they never agreed to the Netflix EULA in the first place.

Criminality only enters the equation if your spouse then steals goods or services from Netflix. This is an offence irrespective of how your spouse gained access to their network. Handing over your password for the purposes of facilitating a crime may well make you an accessory, but that isn't exactly a groundbreaking precedent. Pretty much any action intentionally taken with the foreknowledge that it will be used to facilitate crime is potentially illegal.

"Sharing passwords" is a red herring. It is exactly the same as sharing any other keys, combinations, or access codes with someone who you know intends to use them to steal something from a third party.

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