Reply to post: Re: Deer analogy

Dell makes $1bn bet that IoT at the edge can kill cloud computing takeover

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Deer analogy

I fear it is being used because it is a blameless situation, and hence politically correct. Any situation requiring a fast reaction would work just as well, but could imply someone was at fault, and we have gotten so sensitive to doing that we can't even do it in an analogy. Someone cutting you off in traffic carries blame with it - most likely they did something wrong, or maybe it was you, to cause the situation. Likewise with a pedestrian - are they crossing legally, and if so what are you doing wrong that causes the situation?

But a deer that just wanders out into the road, there's no blame to spread there, so it's a safe analogy. Until we follow the chain of causality so far that the engineer who designed the road to go through that location is implied to have caused the situation with the deer, and could be offended by the analogy.

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