Reply to post: Re: Is there a pattern here?

Russia to block access to cryptocurrency exchanges' websites – report


Re: Is there a pattern here?

Hello Spanners,

The Reg is basically a hate group against crypto-currencies. I thought your comment was on point but it got marked down.

I see someone is on a rant about how guns kill people so they don't want them when clearly people buy more of them when they might get banned.

I also note that BitCoin jumped up to $4850 today which you could say follows my original comment about a ban making it more popular.

It's all very well for people to support currency controls because they think they are a good thing but Russia said they were protecting investors by removing Cryptos. So is it about protecting their own currency or protecting investors.

Quite obviously investors can make up their own mind what is safe as long as they are given the correct info. They do so in every other investment. Clearly it's the banks wanting to protect their power and money. They are on a losing battle with that one.

If people actually want Cryptocurrencies then they could accept them as payment. No need for an exchange. If people actually accept crypto then people holding it and pay people.

If there was no desire for BitCoin then it would not be what it is today. There would be no need to ban it.

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