Reply to post: Re: Perhaps money will talk louder:

Microsoft silently fixes security holes in Windows 10 – dumps Win 7, 8 out in the cold


Re: Perhaps money will talk louder:

The main benefit of Microsoft is a scheduled monthly release cycle

Yes, having a vulnerability on your system without even the OPTION to fix it while you have to wait a month for the vendor to release a patch is a WONDERFUL way to manage security.

And having updates forced, without choice to turn them off even when there's a known issue, also really helps!


Oh, and I can test patches to my hearts content (usually 0%) and install them when I want (usually as soon as I know they're available). Unlike with MS, I don't have to install them when the vendor decides it's time. I don't have to install "random" and untestable patches.

As with others of your ilk, the one you support is the most guilty of what you're accusing the rest of.

Oh, and now I think about it1.. With Linux, patch gets announced today, I go to vendor site, get patch, start testing, in 3 weeks time I am happy and install patch. With windows patch is announced today, I wait till the next "patch tuesday" (3 weeks and 6 days in the case of the example), get the code, then start testing (if on enterprise version, others get it rammed down their throats whether it's broken or not), 1 week later am happy - 4.6 weeks after the announcement. Yup, MS is so much faster and better!

1Disclaimer: Thought processes may not match reality. My knowledge of corporate IT comes from a hazy recollection of reading some of Simon Travaglia's excellent training manuals.

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