Reply to post: Re: Fly me to the Moon

What does the Moon 4bn years ago and Yahoo! towers this week have in common? Both had an awful atmosphere

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Fly me to the Moon

The budget crisis of the 1970s was brought about by a number of factors. Interestingly it played into the hand of the extremely wealthy who had and continue to buy enough politicians to get their way over the needs of society. So, cutting corporate and wealth taxes helped the budget, somehow. It certainly hasn't put more money into the hands of the shrinking middle class. A growing middle class is the economic driver of any economically healthy nation. The US spending hundreds of billions on the military budget whilst starving education and other social services certainly hasn't helped the economy, overall; especially, apparent boondoggles like the F-35. What that going to cost to make functional? A trillion? More than that? Will it be the game changer that it was touted to be?

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