Reply to post: Re: People in glass houses.....

Microsoft silently fixes security holes in Windows 10 – dumps Win 7, 8 out in the cold

Anonymous Bullard

Re: People in glass houses.....

It sounds to me you're upset about how you're being treated by Microsoft, so you decide to throw mud at another operating system (which has a different purpose) to make yourself feel better.

Since you want to compare...

I, like the majority of readers here, have lost count how many times I've had to clean, repair or rebuild a Windows computer due to some sort of infection (my own included) - and it's not even my job! That's literally infinitely more than I, or anyone I know, have had to do for Android... Even though their update mechanism has been historically poor. (That alone says a lot).

The problem here is, even though Microsoft has an (albeit flakey) update mechanism in place, which they have full control of, and enabled by default, they've repeatedly not taken advantage of it and knowingly left their supported users high and dry.

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