Reply to post: Re: and in the real world

What is the probability of being drunk at work and also being tested? Let's find out! Correctly

Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: and in the real world

and depending upon your physiology, you can fail a drugs test (morphine) from eating two Poppy Seed covered toasted bagels in the morning.

Don't worry people, your Spy TV/Echo/Bixby in the corner will ensure that your Employer (aka Big Bro) knows how much you are eating and drinking when you are at home. They will make sure that you are tested before you leave home for work. Can't have any liability falling on the Dear Employer now can we?

This, you understand, is a purely interim measure. You job will be replaced by robots/A.I. within 5 years. Then you won't be needed at all.

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