Reply to post: Re: is it my fault?

'Dear diversity hire...' Amazon's weapons-grade fail in recruitment email to woman techie

Rich 11

Re: is it my fault?

because men and women are different and choose to do different things.

Men and women are different mostly due to acculturation rather than biology (excepting the obvious physical differences). There are no 'men's brains / women's brains' type of differences. Put a number of brains under the microscope and you couldn't tell which ones came from men and which ones from women.

It's the culture which needs to change. The culture which (jokingly or otherwise) assumes that men who go into nursing must be gay, or men who become primary teachers must be paedophiles, or women who become engineers still can't parallel-park, or that women are better multi-taskers than men. It's things like this, whether silly or not, which reinforce stereotypes and discourage people from following their dreams.

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