Reply to post: Hardly seems secure... Building Screen/Audio snooping tech right into Firefox.

Mozilla whips out Rusty new Firefox Quantum (and that's a good thing)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Hardly seems secure... Building Screen/Audio snooping tech right into Firefox.

Hardly seems secure "good practice" to incorporate screen and audio recording features directly into Firefox and then enable this "beta code" on stable versions RTM versions of Firefox, without any notfication/opt in. So you're enabling buggy beta code that can record screen/audio with "one click" uploading to the cloud for a month.

Who paid Mozilla to add that feature? I think we know who.

Fcuking numpties regards Privacy, might not be selling your Privacy directly, but they are doing everything on the fringes to that effect, this feature conduits data to the powers that be, easily.

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