Reply to post: What a bunch of curmudgeons!

Welcome to the future: Bluetooth jackets you can only wash 10 times. Gee, thanks, Google


What a bunch of curmudgeons!

You'd all be the ones standing round saying things like "This fire is a waste of time, if you leave your meat on too long it turns to a cinder and, although it might be able to fend off a wolf or two, it burns my fingers every time I try to pick it up!" and "look at that twat with the DynaTAC, it's so bulky and expensive, one born every minute he he he"

Clearly this jacket isn't particularly useful but any one who thinks that wearable's aren't going to extend into to clothing is short-sighted and, as with lots of technologies, the very earliest examples is a bit rubbish and very expensive.

So this jacket might be shit, but the iJacket 3 we'll all be clamouring over and queuing overnight to spend a months wages on in 5-10 years time probably won't be.

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