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How Apple is taming the ad biz. Just don't expect Google or Zuck to follow


The simple answer is ads like print ads used to be, albeit with a link. So one could go back to a Reg article from '15 and see ads that were bought then, still in place.

I can't see the downside here for the advertiser or the publisher, both want a fair transaction and Google/Facebook are the moral equivalent of Enron, trying to interpolate and manipulate markets, ending up with most of the money and dissatisfied clients on both sides.

So put up the article, sell ads for it that are embedded and don't wiggle around or move or jump in front, just sit there in a side column. The ads stay there, no paying for impressions, paying for placement. Worked for many years with print.

Why can't the Reg lead the way here with a trial?

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